What is Local SEO and Why Important For Your Business?

Local SEO results

SEO and local SEO both are highly demanding marketing methods in the present time. Because it doesn’t matter how big your business is or how big your showroom is, you can’t get better business in the long term without promotion.

In the present time, all the search engines, including Google, are trying to provide the best and accurate results to visitors. We all knew that SEO is one of the best ways to keep your site top of the search engine result. However, very few know that how to do proper SEO.

For that reason, besides general SEO – Local SEO is vital for your business.

In our world, most internet users try to fix their problems by using search engines.

Local store

Daily shopping products and topmost service providers are found by visitors using a search engine. So everyone is concerned to get traffic, lead, and also clients from search engine.

To understand the local SEO, you have to get the basic idea of SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it is a technical method for a website to get the top position in search engines against search queries. It’s essential because most visitors click the top results like any search terms like “dog food” has 135,000 monthly search volume. If any visitor search this term and its obviously 90% visitor will click the first result. So you understand that which website is in the top position will get for than 100,000 visitors against this search query.

SEO Related Terms
SEO Related Terms

What is Local SEO?

Local SEO is the special method to optimize a website for getting a rank in a particular area or city. There are many search terms where the search engine shows the result of a specific area’s service provider or nearby business against a search query.

It always helps to get local or nearby customers very easily. As an example, if you search from new York for “saloon” you prefer to get results from those saloons which are nearby, not in another city. So which business get rank on local listing result get many clients against those are not ranked.

Search engine google prefer local results
Search engine google prefer local results

Local SEO is better for businesses with an offline business or have a physical location and product.

We always see that when anyone wants to purchase furniture, he or she will prefer to visit a nearby shop rather than outside of his cities.

That’s why all the businesses who care for online presence are concern about local SEO to target their nearby customers. As a result, customers can get in touch online as well as offline.

Local SEO process
Local SEO process

How Local SEO works?

When we search anything in google, it redirects us to a specific country-wise page like google.co.uk or google.co.in how they do that?

It happened because of local SEO. When you search something with buying intention google always shows those results near your place because outside cities or country’s result is irrelevant. Google gives high priority to the local listing why visitors get a better result from this search engine.

Good result for Local SEO
Good result for Local SEO

Different type of Local SEO:

All the search engines, especially Google, always analysis customer behavior and update their algorithms for a better customer experience. Which result will be shown will depends on the visitor’s search keyword and his location. Basically depends on search volume and keywords, local SEO is divided into two major parts.

i)             IP based SEO

ii)            Location-based SEO

IP wise Local SEO

When you search for any product or service, the search engine will show your nearest best result based on your IP. For example, if you search for an ATM booth or GAS station, your nearest result will show based on your IP.

Location wise SEO

If anyone searched any information by any keyword and added any particular area name (city, road, country), the search engine will show those result which is related with that location. Like: Best SEO Company in Bangladesh. It’s called location-based search.

Business need Local SEO
Business need Local SEO

Importance of Local SEO

We all know that SEO is crucial for business, and local SEO is getting high priority day by day. Because Google or others search engines always get priority on better user experience.

For example, if anyone has a furniture shop and gets 5000 to 6000 visitors per month on his website, but physically, this shop doesn’t get enough customers on this shop. Because they didn’t have local SEO yet, they get visitors from other countries and cities, but their nearby customers can’t see them on the search engine result page (SERP).

That’s why their nearby customer doesn’t know about them. But if they do properly local SEO, they will get local customers and start collecting online payment and delivery to get nationwide sales.

It’s proven that local SEO can boom your business within few months.

A final word about SEO:

Local SEO is getting more and more popular day by day. All the giant brands like Amazon, eBay, Walmart provide high-quality customer service by using this local SEO.

Within a couple of years, local SEO will be more popular and demanding than SEO.

If you want to know more details about SEO or interest in a free consultation for your business, feel free to contact us.

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